We truly believe in routine eye examinations so that you can see as clearly as possible. Once you have to get glasses or contacts, it is even more important to watch the health of your eyes. You also need routine checks to ensure your prescription has not changed.
To ensure good eye health and vision, we are very proud to offer the following services:

Contact Lens Exams
The field of optometry changes quickly, and now many more patients are able to enjoy the flexibility of wearing contact lenses to correct their vision.This allows us to schedule the extra time required for contact lens fitting or prescription updates.
Scheduling your general eye exam and your contact lens exam for the same visit will save you time and money. Performing these exams at different locations or with different optometrists can lead to repeated tests and additional fees.
Our contact lens exams include questions about your lifestyle and the various options available to you. There are a variety of contact lenses on the market that can be changed at different frequencies: daily, weekly, monthly. Rigid gas permeable (RGP or GP) contact lenses are an option that often provide sharper vision than traditional soft lenses. Bifocal contact lenses are an option to correct vision issues that develop with age (presbyopia). So is monovision, which is a special technique where one eye corrects for distance vision and the other eye corrects for near vision. Some contacts even allow you to change eye color.
Contact us at (775) 507-7171 today to schedule a contact lens exam today.
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Eye Surgery
At Epic Vision Development, we are happy to provide eye surgery for our patients. We practice the highest standards of care and we utilize state of the art technology to ensure that you are receiving the best.
It is our goal to make you feel comfortable while you are having your surgery, and we will do our best to make the process as easy on you as possible. We also want to educate our clients on the procedures we perform as well as how you can continue to care for your eye health after the surgery is completed.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about eye surgery, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We welcome your call and our friendly and knowledgeable staff would be happy to speak with you.
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Computer Vision
Computer Vision is a relatively new term within the optometry field and refers to eye problems associated with the prolonged use of computers and electronics that utilize a digital screen. Although it can be temporary, there are times when computer vision can strain the eyes to a degree that permanently affects your vision as well. An existing eye condition can worsen as the eyes try to focus and adjust to a computer screen, and precautions should be taken if you spend long hours in front of a computer screen.
If you have been experiencing blurry vision, dry eyes, eye strain, headaches, neck or back pain, try adjusting the lighting, posture, and the distance in front of your computer screen. If computer vision symptoms persist, call us to request an appointment, we will perform a full evaluation.
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Pediatric Vision
Pediatric vision care is significantly more important than the general community believes! According to the American Optometric Association one in four children have a vision problem. However the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that less than 15% of preschoolers receive an eye exam by an eye care professional. This means that many children have an undiagnosed vision problem that may be affecting their life in some way.
At Epic Vision Development we go beyond what is typically provided for children’s vision services by seeing children of all ages (including infants!) and by providing an environment where children are the center. Each pediatric eye exam includes an evaluation of refractive error (the need for glasses), eye health, focusing, tracking, convergence ability, depth perception, color vision, eye balance, and more. If a problem is indicated a more thorough developmental exam will be performed which evaluates: eye movements while reading, visual perception, visual motor integration, right-left awareness, reversals in writing, retained primitive reflexes, and more.
Children can develop vision problems just like adults but unlike adults children don’t know how to tell you that something is wrong. Taking your child to the optometrist starting from a young age will help ensure that your child gets the prescription lenses and other services he or she needs in order to see clearly and maintain healthy eyes.
At Epic Vision Development we offer comprehensive vision exams for children starting from infancy. Our vision exams test your child’s eyes for the following:
- Vision clarity. Seeing clearly helps your child succeed in and out of the classroom. We’ll test your child for refractive error and write a prescription for corrective lenses if necessary.
- Eye health. We’ll test your child for eye diseases and if we detect signs of problems, we’ll recommend treatment for your child’s condition.
- Functionality. We’ll test your child’s eyes for proper functionality such as ability to perceive color and depth.
Services and Treatments for Pediatric Patients in Reno
We offer a variety of services and treatments for pediatric patients in our community.
- Vision therapy. Vision therapy may be needed to help your child’s visual system develop normally. At this time vision therapy is not offered out of our Reno office. If it is found that your child would benefit from this service Dr. Moore will discuss how to gain access to a vision therapy provider. Conditions that are treated with vision therapy include convergence insufficiency, accommodative insufficiency (focusing difficulties), saccadic eye movement deficiency (tracking weakness), amblyopia, strabismus, and others.
- Infant and toddler vision. Babies need to see the eye doctor too! We recommend bringing your child to see Dr. Moore when he or she is about 6 months old, and then annually from that point onward. When you bring in your baby, we’ll test your child for normal eye function and look for signs of diseases and refractive error. Depending on the condition, catching these problems early can help your child develop normally.
- Eye glasses. Children need eye glasses in order to see clearly in school and develop normally. We provide small frames for small faces, in a variety of styles and colors.

When you have concerns about a child’s vision and eye health, you want to identify the underlying problems that contribute to his or her limited vision. In some cases, a child may need amblyopia treatment in Reno to encourage better vision or address the problems that may impact his or her eyesight.
What is Amblyopia in Children?
Amblyopia in children refers to a lazy eye or an eye that does not see clearly. The decreased vision stems from the poor development of the eyes during infancy or early childhood, which carries forward as a child grows. By treating the lazy eye, a child’s vision may improve and he or she will not have the same low vision in one or both of his or her eyes.
Causes of Amblyopia
The underlying cause of amblyopia is the way a child’s eyes develop while he or she grows. The primary amblyopia cause for a child is poorly simulated nerve pathways between the weak eye and the brain. It does not always relate to a problem in the eyes and usually relates to problems a child faced when learning to use his or her eyes during infancy. When something interferes with a child’s ability to see clearly in one or both eyes, he or she does not develop the proper nerve pathways and may develop a lazy eye over time.
Treatment Options from an Amblyopia Doctor in Reno Nevada
An amblyopia doctor in Reno Nevada recognizes the signs of a lazy eye and helps a child learn to use the eye properly. By working with an amblyopia specialist, a child’s brain learns to see objects clearly.
A key part of treatment is using a patch to cover the stronger eye. As a result, the weak eye must learn to see clearly and focus on objects at different distances. Specialists may also work on exercises to strengthen a child’s vision in the lazy eye. Eye drops may also be used to help a child re-train his or her lazy eye.
When to Seek Treatment for a Child
Parents should consider amblyopia treatment in Reno for a child when he or she shows signs of poor vision in one or both of his or her eyes. Do not wait until a child gets into school, since poor vision may interfere with his or her ability to learn in a school environment. Early treatment is ideal when a child shows signs of poor vision in one or both eyes. Pay attention to a child’s behavior, particularly if he or she squints often or complains about blurry vision.
Treating a lazy eye at an early stage allows a child’s vision to improve and reduces the risk of complications as he or she grows. By working with a child to train the brain and eyes to focus on objects, he or she will strengthen the weak eye. To learn more about amblyopia or to set up an appointment, contact us at (775) 507-7171 today.

Strabismus is a misalignment of the eyes. It is sometimes referred to as “crossed eyes” or “eye turn” and can result in the eyes turning either inward toward each other, outward away from each other or in an upward or downward direction. There is often one dominant eye in which the vision strength is normal and brain-to-eye connections are intact. The less dominant, or weaker, eye is usually vision-impaired (see page on Amblyopia). Strabismus may also exist where one eye is focusing while the other is turned in but the turned in eye can alternate between eyes. In this case Amblyopia does not develop but depth perception suffers as the brain cannot use both eyes at the same time.
Strabismus may be quite apparent when looking at someone who has the condition or it may only be noticeable occasionally. What can make the eye turn more noticeable is if the person has focused on a particular object, if they stop paying attention to anything in particular, if they are ill, or if their eyes are fatigued such as at the end of the day. When treated early, Strabismus may be correctable, but if left untreated, it may cause permanent visual impairment such as blurred vision, double vision or problems with depth perception. It may also cause difficulty in social situations where the eye turn is noticeable and attracts attention to the deficiency.
What Causes Strabismus in Infants?
Strabismus in infants and toddlers can be caused by a variety of factors. It may be genetically passed down from someone in the family or it could be the result of illness, medical conditions, eye injuries, brain trauma, or in some cases unknown. Strabismus can also be caused by high amounts of uncorrected Hyperopia (farsightedness). Children who develop the condition are usually diagnosed between the ages of 1 and 4 years old.
Pediatric Vision Care
Dr. Timothy Moore is a highly knowledgeable, experienced and award winning pediatric vision provider. As a father of four and frequent volunteer leader in various children’s organizations, Dr. Moore is passionate about caring for and protecting vision in children of all ages. He takes this responsibility very seriously and one of his main goals is to help educate parents on how to build healthy eye care habits that will set their children up for maintaining good vision for life. If you suspect that your child may have Strabismus, Dr. Moore can provide a thorough exam and help organize a treatment plan to get your child’s vision back on track as soon as possible. Early detection is a major factor in being able to correct vision problems caused by Strabismus.
Strabismus Treatment
Strabismus frequently comes along with a condition called Amblyopia or “Lazy Eye” which Dr. Moore addresses first. Amblyopia is typically treated with an eye patch over the “strong” or better seeing eye as well as less invasive, options such as vision therapy or red lens patching. See our page on amblyopia for more information. The main treatment that Dr. Moore recommends for strabismus varies but often vision therapy is used, a sequence of eye training activities (similar to occupational therapy) that help teach the brain to align the eye and use both eyes together.
Another common treatment for strabismus is eye muscle surgery. This surgery is performed by a pediatric ophthalmologist where the muscle is shortened or moved in order to align the eyes. For best results Dr Moore recommends vision therapy afterwards to teach the brain how to use the newly aligned eye. Dr Moore is very familiar with strabismus surgery procedures and works closely with families who have had children go through surgery to achieve the best vision results possible.
Eye Exams for Children Reno
When you are ready to take your child in for an eye exam, whether for an infant or toddler, you want to make sure that you are getting the best care possible. Proper eye care is essential maintenance to help ensure your child’s healthy growth and development. Especially in children who can’t tell you they have a vision problem. Vision is something that many people tend to take for granted, as long as no problems are present. But just like eating nutritiously and exercising regularly are important for maintaining a healthy body, regular vision checks can make a huge difference in a child’s overall well-being. Not only can they help detect the presence of debilitating eye conditions but they can also be the first step in detecting other health issues, such as diabetes, vitamin deficiencies or brain tumors.
New Patients
We welcome interest and questions from new patients. Visit the New Patient Center on our website to learn more about what we do at Epic Vision Development, to get information about insurance options and to save time by filling out any necessary paperwork before you come into our office for a visit. Our blog and newsletter contain a wide variety of informative articles that help our patients learn more about healthy eye care and routine maintenance.
Give us a call today and we’ll be happy to set you up with an appointment at your earliest convenience. We look forward to welcoming you into our practice and providing quality eye care for you and your whole family!

Convergence Insufficiency
At Epic Vision Development, our trusted team provides some of the most advanced levels of care possible for those suffering from vision or eye-related complications. Dr. Timothy Moore and the team provide optometry services for many patients especially for pediatric patients who need vision care and development. We’re a family-friendly, relaxing environment dedicated to providing your loved one with care. If you are suffering from convergence insufficiency Reno Nevada patients should turn to our team for care.
What Is Convergence Insufficiency?
Many parents have never heard of convergence insufficiency, but it can create significant learning limitations if present. If your child has been diagnosed with this condition, or you believe he or she could have it, the good news is that it can be corrected in many people, and the effectiveness of treatment can mean big changes in many students.
Convergence is a type of visual skill that we learn starting in infancy. The brand and eyes must learn and develop these skills in order for the brain to coordinate movements and to focus both of the eyes. When convergence is not acquired, it makes focusing on close objects, such as computer screens or books, hard to do. When this does not happen, it can make it very hard for people to concentrate.
Symptoms of Convergence Insufficiency
The typical symptoms experienced in those with convergence insufficiency in children include:
- Trouble reading or concentrating
- Eye strain
- Headaches
- Poor performance during sports or physical exercise
- Dizziness or motion sickness
- Double vision
- Avoiding work related to objects up close
It’s important to know that a typical eye exam does not cover this type of vision loss and it can go undetected for some time.
Convergence Insufficiency Treatment
When a child visits our team, we’ll work through several steps. Dr. Moore will provide a full examination and evaluation to determine the presence of this condition and then the level of care needed. Generally, convergence insufficiency treatment involves vision therapy. Convergence insufficiency in children is best treated as early as possible to reduce risks of long-term developmental delays.
What Happens During Vision Therapy?
Vision therapy involves numerous steps. The first is the use of a lens prescription designed to accommodate the severity of the convergence insufficiency. It will address all vision problems present. A high-quality exam and a specialized provider are necessary here. But, this doesn’t fix the underlying problem. Vision therapy works through a program of visual activities and exercises that work to strengthen the patient’s perception of visual space. This process takes the time to occur and it needs to be done by a specialist. Over time, many patients can see significant improvement.
Contact Our Optometrist in Reno to Schedule an Appointment Today!
For help with convergence insufficiency Reno Nevada patients can visit the team at Epic Vision Development to learn about vision therapy and the options available for treating this condition. Contact us at (775) 507-7171 for an appointment and evaluation by Dr. Moore and the team.

Developmental Delays
From the time new parents bring their baby home, they are constantly on the lookout for their child to reach their next developmental milestone. Most look for developments such as a first “real smile”, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, picking up objects, and walking. But it is important to pay attention to vision development too, and make sure that this is on track as well. For many parents, however, determining how their baby sees is more of a challenge because infants and toddlers have a harder time communicating what they see, so parents don’t know whether their child’s vision development is on track with where it should be, and it takes a pediatric optometrist to be able to tell whether the child’s eyesight is developing as it needs to, or whether vision therapy in Reno is necessary to get them back on track and caught up to their peers. In Reno Nevada, Dr. Timothy Moore, the optometrist at Epic Vision Development specialized in treating young children for vision deficiencies and can often correct problems before they have a major impact on learning.
Signs That a Young Child Needs an Optometry Evaluation
There are many cases where babies and toddlers have vision problems, but theses are not discovered because there is a general “wait and see” attitude when it comes to child development. Too often it isn’t until the child’s kindergarten teacher does not advance them to first grade that the problem is given the attention it deserves. But vision delays are a big deal, and can lead to other developmental delays as well. It is estimated that 10 million school aged children have undiagnosed vision problems that make learning a challenge, and the vast majority of first graders that have trouble learning to read have vision problems. Over three quarters of kids with reading disabilities are labeled dyslexic and are lacking in at least one other visual skill. It is also three times more likely that these children will be diagnosed with ADHD.
Toddler Signs of Visual Impairment
- Cloudy pupils — signifies emergency
- Squinting when there is no glare
- Tilting head to one side
- Clumsiness
- Uninterested in visual activities, such as books or puzzles
- Tearing that is not crying
- Excessive eye movement
Preschool Signs
- Walking on toes
- Trouble balancing on one leg
- Trouble riding a tricycle
- Difficulty with Rhythm
- Can’t draw a circle
- Turns head at extreme angles
- Rubs eyes or blinks excessively
- Does not have preferred hand
If your young child is exhibiting signs of a vision problem, there is still a good chance that it can be corrected, but it is important that they see a doctor of optometry sooner rather than later. If there is a problem, they can begin vision therapy and may be able to escape further problems or at least have those problems make less of an impact later. Contact Epic Vision Development at (775) 507-7171 to schedule an appointment.

Accommodative Insufficiency
Your child’s eye health should be a priority for his first years of life. It’s a key to good physical development, will guarantee his best school experience and can even affect his social skills. As a parent, it’s important for you to watch for signs of growing eye problems such as accommodative insufficiency. Accommodative insufficiency in children affects their ability to change focus from near to far, causing problems both in school work and in physical activities such as sports and games. It can be misdiagnosed as a learning disability or other problems, which why it’s so crucial for your child to have regular eye examinations.
Making an Accommodative Insufficiency Diagnosis
The first key to diagnosing this condition is to pay attention to your child’s symptoms. It’s common for children to have a list of problems, including:
- Motion sickness’
- Double vision
- Lack of concentration
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Blurred vision
It’s most commonly found in school aged children when signifying behaviors begin to show. Children begin to have trouble focusing on tasks such as copying from the board, reading, and writing, causing many doctors to incorrectly diagnose the child as having ADHD or a learning disability. It’s not that these children can’t learn, it’s just that they don’t have the physical capability for doing the work. Once the symptoms are listed, our doctor can examine your child for further clues to a diagnosis.
What Causes Accommodative Insufficiency?
There is no single cause for this condition, but a group of causes that can combine to affect a child’s focus. Children with poor general health are prone to developing this condition, as are those who have suffered from chronic fatigue, glandular fever, or bad influenza cases. Children can also develop this condition due to visual stress or some prescription medications.
Once our pediatric optometrist diagnoses your child, we’ll consult with you on the proper treatment to correct your child’s vision problems. Your child may need to wear accommodative insufficiency glasses while he’s reading to help with his focus, or we may suggest vision therapy to help with your child’s focus. Vision therapy helps to teach the brain the right clues for focusing, and we’ve had good results with many children using this method.
Looking for Accommodative Insufficiency Treatment in Reno Nevada?
It can be frustrating to diagnose accommodative insufficiency since it can mimic so many other common childhood problems. At Epic Vision Development we have an extra emphasis on pediatric optometry and have experience treating a long list of patients with the same symptoms as your child. Give our office a call and make an appointment to help your child back on the path of good eye health. Contact us at (775) 507-7171 today.

Accommodative Excess
Accommodative insufficiency in children is a common visual disorder, and it describes a scenario where the eye is unable to focus or unable to maintain focus for near vision due to lack of proper muscle contracture. Accommodative excess involves an inability to focus due to a sustained or over-contracture of the ciliary muscle. It is also sometimes referred to as accommodative spasm. Visual disorders such as these are relatively common and maybe the reason that an otherwise-capable student is doing poorly at school.
How Visual Accommodation Works
Accommodation is the process through which the human eye changes focus from near to far objects and the other way around. It is usually an unconscious process, but it can be performed consciousness when necessary. The muscles involved in the accommodation are called the ciliary muscles, and they are responsible for changing the shape of the lens in the eye to allow for focus at varying distances.
If the muscle has trouble contracting properly, or cannot sustain that contracture, a patient may be diagnosed with accommodative insufficiency. If the muscle contracts too far, a patient may be given an accommodative excess diagnosis. The former condition is more common and often becomes apparent during the early elementary school years when children are expected to start performing more close-up work.
Symptoms of Accommodative Disorders
The symptoms of accommodative disorders tend to involve activities that require extremely good focus, such as reading or fine motor skills. People with accommodative disorders tend to experience blurry vision as well as one or a number of other symptoms:
- Eyestrain after a short time focusing
- Headaches after a short time focusing
- Swimming or moving words
- Decreasing comprehension with time spent reading
- Closing or rubbing an eye
- Trouble concentrating when reading
It is important for patients to know that they can have 20/20 vision and still receive an accommodative excess diagnosis, or diagnosis of another accommodative disorder. Children who are struggling in school, especially during the early elementary years when reading demand increases, should see an optometrist even if they have been to a school screening and have 20/20 vision.
Treatment of Accommodative Disorders
The most common treatment for accommodative disorders is glasses or contact lenses. However, the combination of vision therapy and corrective lenses can be more effective and treat the underlying cause of accommodative disorders. Accommodative insufficiency exercises can help retrain the ciliary muscle so that it can contract and relax appropriately, which reduces or eliminates the symptoms of an accommodative disorder. Accommodative excess is treated through vision therapy that helps the ciliary muscles learn to relax when necessary.
Here at Epic Vision Development, we can diagnose, treat, and manage accommodative disorders including accommodative insufficiency in children or adults, accommodative excess, and accommodative spasm. Corrective lenses combined with therapy such as accommodative insufficiency exercises can improve the situation immediately and assist with long-term treatment of the underlying issue. Call us today at (775) 507-7171 to make an appointment.

Eye Focusing Problems
An eye focusing problem is one of the major reasons that a child may not be successful in the visual aspects of life. Reading, hand-eye coordination, close-up work of all kinds, and general coordination may all suffer if a person cannot focus or track properly. Luckily, vision therapy is often very effective in treating these problems. Epic Vision Development provides vision therapy near Reno NV for patients who struggle with these disorders.
Visual Tracking Disorders
Eye focusing and visual tracking are both motor skills. In order to focus, a muscle around the eyes must contract and relax. Problems with focus are thus sometimes related to an inability of this muscle to quickly and smoothly change the focus of the eyes when moving between visual fields. Children who have trouble going from the board to the book in front of them, or the other way around, may have a focusing disorder.
Visual tracking involves fine motor skills that move the eyes. It is essential for reading because the eyes must skip from one word to the next in a coordinated manner to achieve accuracy and comprehension. In general, this skill improves with age like other fine motor skills. However, a person who cannot read at a level appropriate to their age and educational level may have problems with a visual tracking disorder.
Signs and Symptoms of Focus and Tracking Disorders
In adults and older children, the symptoms of vision disorders can be described:
- Blurry vision
- Lack of ability to change focus
- Headaches
- Eyestrain
- Double vision
- Words move or run together
- Tired eyes when reading
Younger children may have these same symptoms, but they often have more trouble articulating what the problem is. In children, symptoms of visual tracking and focusing disorders that may be apparent to outside observers include behavioral cues such as decreasing reading comprehension and more:
- Omitting or substituting words when reading
- Using a finger to read
- Moving entire head to track
- Blinking a lot or rubbing eyes
- Clumsiness or poor depth perception
- Frequently losing place when reading
Of course, all of these things are normal at a certain age. If there is any uncertainty about whether a child has an eye focusing problem or not, a blurry vision doctor is a proper expert to consult.
Vision Therapy near Reno, NV
Glasses or contacts can improve the symptoms of a vision disorder, but they do not treat the actual cause of the problem. Vision therapy from an experienced blurry vision doctor can help people hone the motor skills necessary to achieve true improvement. Comprehensive vision therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for certain types of visual problems, including focusing and tracking difficulties.
Contact Our Local Reno, NV for More Information Today!
Epic Vision Development offers vision therapy near Reno, NV for patients with visual disorders, including focusing and tracking problems. If you or your child suffers from a visual disorder, Dr. Tim Moore can help you through a personalized plan of office visits and at-home exercises. To make an appointment, call us at (775) 507-7171 today.

Checking on your vision regularly provides an opportunity to correct specific concerns. When you notice a change in your vision, an optometrist may recommend prescription glasses. Depending on your situation, the type of glasses we recommend for your eyes and specific visual concerns may vary.
When do you Need Prescription Glasses?
As a general rule, you need prescription glasses when an optometrist determines that your vision requires corrective lenses. In many cases, it relates to farsightedness or nearsightedness; however, you may need glasses if you have other eye conditions or concerns that complicate your ability to see clearly.
An optometrist recommends different corrective solutions based on your situation. We may consider your lifestyle before suggesting appropriate materials or frames improve your vision.
Comparing Your Options
When picking your glasses you may want to consider sturdy materials when you have young children in the home or face potential challenges related to your lifestyle. In other situations, you may benefit from a change in materials or lens coating to create a style that fits your situation.
At our clinic, we help you find the right frames and materials for your prescription glasses. We may suggest discussing different materials with our optometrist before you finalize your choices. If you need a sturdy solution for sports or outdoor activities, then we may suggest Trivex or polycarbonate materials rather than use standard plastic. Alternatively, we may suggest photochromic lenses when you have concerns about changes in the lighting or have sensitivity from an eye condition. Our suggestions focus on your specific needs and goals.
When to Talk to an Optometrist
Dr. Moore can help you find the right glasses for your specific situation. Whether you want fashion frames and styles or you need a sport-friendly solution for your normal activities, we provide the options you need to reach your goals. We also assist with the materials based on your budget and standards.
By focusing on the prescription and the standards you require for your normal activities, we help you clarify your goals and determine the best option for your eyes. We also ensure that the glasses fit in with your budget and you feel comfortable with the options we provide.
We count with the following brands for glasses or frames:
- Crocs
- Lucky Brand Kids
- Lucky
- New Globe
- Nano & Nano Vista
- Fila
- Ann Taylor
- Champion
Contact Our Office in Reno for More Information Today!
Finding the right glasses to correct your vision depends on your situation. By working with our optometrist to clarify your prescription and ensure that the glasses comply with your specific needs, you avoid complications with your vision. We can also assist with your goals when correcting your vision by ensuring that the lenses and frames will allow you to enjoy your normal activities. To learn more about different types of glasses or to set up an appointment with Dr. Moore to check on your eyes, call us at (775) 507-7171 today.

Contact Lenses
Eyeglasses are highly effective for vision correction, but they can be a hassle. A great fitting pair of contact lenses could be the perfect solution for people looking to switch up their vision correcting routine. If you’ve been looking for contact lenses in Reno, consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Timothy Moore, an optometrist in Reno since 2014.
Types of Contact Lenses We Offer at Our Reno Optometry Clinic
Who uses contact lenses? Kids, teens, and adults can wear contact lenses, provided that the wearers commit to proper hygiene, wear time, and storage. At our Reno optometry clinic, our staff will gladly teach you the proper ways to put on, take out, and clean your contact lenses.
How often do you need to replace your contact lenses? This mostly depends on your lifestyle and the type of lenses you’ve decided to use. We offer a variety of contact lens styles to meet your individual needs, including:
- Rigid gas permeable
- Soft lens
- Daily disposable
- Bifocal contact lens (and other specialized contact lenses)
- Cosmetic lens
What to Expect at Your Contact Lens Exam in Reno
Getting a contact lens exam in Reno with our optometrist is important if you’re thinking about changing your vision correction method. After all, while comfortable and effective for most people, contact lenses aren’t for everyone, including people with eye allergies or chronic dry eye.
When you schedule a contact lens exam, Dr. Moore can help you figure out if contact lenses are a good fit for you, and if so, what kind. He’ll perform a thorough test of your visual acuity to make sure your prescription is up-to-date. He’ll also assess the outer anatomy of your eye (including the shape of your cornea) and ask questions about your lifestyle and medical history to help determine which type of contact lens is best for you.
Thinking Of Making the Switch from Eyeglasses to Contact Lenses? Schedule a Contact Lens Appointment With Our Reno Optometrist Today!
Reno optometrist Dr. Timothy Moore cordially invites you to Epic Vision Development! Whether you need to schedule a contact lens exam or would simply like to get a checkup for your vision and eye health, our staff can help you see with confidence. Give us a call at (775) 507-7171 to schedule your appointment.

Sunglasses are designed to protect your eyes from sunlight. While all tinted lenses help to protect your eyes from sunlight, some will protect your eyes better than others. Sunglasses with lenses that block ultraviolet sunlight are the best option. Although sunglasses can be expensive, there are many affordable brands that provide great protection from harmful sunlight as well. If you are interested in finding the best brand of sunglasses for your lifestyle, we can help you find them.
We have a variety of options for you to choose from that will comfortably fit your face and let you enjoy the warm weather in style. Prescription lenses can be applied to most sunglasses and we can help you order a specific brand if we don’t have them in the store.
For more information about the sunglasses we carry, contact us today at (775) 507-7171.
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